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Local Food Economy

In response to a 2010 report entitled the Twin Counties Competitive Assessment published by Dr. Johnson at

the UNC Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise and Kenan-Flagler Business School stating that the health among

the population in Eastern North Carolina is among the worst in the country, NCACDC began the process of

building an integrated strategy linking community development, nutrition and food and agricultural production

to improve the dire health and economic conditions plaguing the area.  Consequently, NCACDC developed a

three pronged approach involving advocacy, community organizing and community economic development to

achieve results for the region’s residents.




Food Equity Partnership


To create a positive impact on food access issues, sustainability, racial equity, health disparities and improve

economic security in the Twin Counties region, NCACDC is working in partnership with the argicultural

department of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), the Center for

Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and the Association of Mexicans in North Carolina (AMEXCAN) towards

the goal of developing the first phase of a centralized, urban-based farm incubator training and education

program. The goal of our collaborative efforts are to lay a foundation for the extension of the benefits of the local

food and sustainable farming movement to Latino immigrant farm workers, merging public interest in the

economic growth of the Twin Counties and the development of a vibrant regional food economy, with Latino

residents’ farming expertise and their food and economic security needs. The aim of our civic engagement

activities pilot training program is to garner critical information and feedback from prospective immigrant

enrollees about the type of educational and supportive services needed for a successful farm school program.

This cross-sectoral approach will increase NCACDC's organizational capacity to address a range of

inter-related issues related to health disparities in the Twin Counties.                                                                                                                            



                                                                     click on pictures to view each slide         













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Food Equity Partners and Students
Focus Group Participants
Food Equity Partners
Focus Group Participants
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